Recently there have been various press reports on AKL’s collaboration with Liverpool University on the clinical development of APPA. There has been coverage in both industry and mainstream press with Prof Rob Moots and Prof Steven Edwards being quoted extensively. Pharma Times: Liverpool Uni leads clinical trial of promising osteoarthritis drug Daily Express: New treatment […]
Read MoreClinical trial for new innovative Osteoarthritis drug The University of Liverpool, in partnership with AKL Research and Development Ltd, is to lead on a clinical trial to test a potential new drug treatment for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis in the UK, affecting more than eight million people*, and is […]
Read MoreAKL, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, were accepted for a presentation at the 2016 OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International) Congress Summary of Effects of APPA on Human Neutrophils Function APPA is a synergistic combination of 2 synthetic anti-inflammatory molecules. APPA has shown efficacy in several animal models of osteoarthritis, decreasing pain and meniscal […]
Read MoreWe believe APPA is now ready to apply for regulatory approval to start formal human trials now that required preclinical toxicology studies have been completed. There is a considerable body of evidence behind the efficacy, safety, tolerability and mode of action of APPA. Consistent with data in the public domain, the studies undertaken indicate that […]
Read MoreBrothers and sisters of osteoarthritis patients are twice as likely to develop the condition themselves, according to researchers in the East Midlands. The study, carried out at Nottingham’s City Hospital, also discovered that men were more likely to inherit the disease than women. Osteoarthritis is a painful condition causing inflammation and loss of cartilage, most […]
Read More“Paracetamol is next to useless at alleviating arthritic pain,” read the headline in the Daily Mail. A BMJ published study of a comprehensive review of existing data suggests paracetamol should not be used in cases of osteoarthritis as there are far more effective treatments available. Osteoarthritis is now the leading cause of joint pain and […]
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